Top 10 spots to stash your lip balm

Sun, wind, eating, drinking, air conditioning... let's face it our lips have got it rough. They're always up against the elements. The solution. Lip balm. And lots of it! After all, there is nothing better for protecting your lips than a good quality lip balm. 

And you can never have enough of the stuff! Whether I'm caught in a gust of gale-force winds outside or I'm getting blown away by the air conditioner in my lounge room, I've always got my lip balm on me at all times - it goes side-by-side with my stash of hand creams.

To ensure you're never without, I have compiled this list of my Top 10 Lip Balm Stash Spots to help keep your lips soft and luscious all year round - not dry and cracked! 

  1. In your handbag for when you're on the go
  2. In your desk drawer for when dry lips take hold at work
  3. In your car console is always handy after a little road rage 
  4. In your partner's car console for times that you borrow his car for that midnight servo run
  5. Next to your bed cause there is nothing worse than waking up with chapped lips
  6. In your bathroom where all beauty products go
  7. In your dining room buffet so you can reapply after each course
  8. In your makeup bag so you're all prepared 
  9. In your kitchen draw for easy application after a little food sampling
  10. In a secret hiding spot so you always have a backup plan

The point is, you just never know! If you keep a secret stash of them everywhere then you will never be without. And if you can't find one, then you know another one isn't far.

The good news is, Celcius stock over 30 quality lip balms, glosses and shines including top beauty brands like Inika, Dermalogica, Hempz, The Balm, Napoleon, Argan Oil, Vitaman and Glo Minerals. To check out the full range of stock available click here

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