Enjoy 'Me Time' in the Shower with these 5 Must-Have Products

Showering is a daily ritual, so why not use this time to relax and take care of yourself, even if it is only for five minutes.

Here are our favourites for a little ‘me time’ in the shower –

1. Little Luxuries Blood Orange Petite Candle

Even the fastest of showers feels luxurious with a little heavenly MOR scent in the room, so take five seconds to light a candle first.

2. Tweezerman Glide Away Foot File

Many of us were traumatised as children on the discovery of our mum's callus stone in the bathroom….but this nifty little foot file is so cute, (and pink), you will rediscover the benefits of foot care in the shower. A quick daily go over on your heels and bottom of your feet will keep them soft and smooth.

3. Priori Invigorating Face and Body Scrub

Before you declare “I have no time to exfoliate every time I shower!”, this gentle lathering scrub is for the face and body, so there’s no excuse not to take a minute out for this revitalizing scrub.

4. ASAP Gentle Cleanse Gel

Light lathering and soap-free make this cleansing gel perfect for daily use. It maintains natural moisture balance of your face and contains White Tea to calm.

5. Decleor Relaxing Shower and Bath Gel

Not only does it relax you but it also neutralises any nasties in the water giving you an instant feeling of wellbeing.

Let’s face it. Why shouldn’t we take advantage of shower time to look gorgeous and be relaxed by starting each day with some ‘me time’…  

Celcius Beauty

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