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4 Hair Products to try this Month

by Jodie Hansen 15 Feb 2016

Christmas and New Years are over; no doubt you’re now feeling a tad flat. Why not get yourself and your hair reinvigorated by trying some awesome hair products?

1. Fudge Make-a-Mends Shampoo and Conditioner

Over styling, under conditioning and exposure to the sun, your poor hair needs a treat. So Make-a Mends with it, say sorry and get it back to the condition it should be ready for winter.

2. NAK Hair Scalp to Hair Treatment Follicle Energiser

OK, you’re treating your hair, but what about your scalp? Your scalp and hair follicles can always use a boost and this great NAK Hair leave in treatment gets them super healthy and energised, promoting fabulous hair from the roots up.


3Moroccan Oil Classic Brush

How often were you told as a child to brush your hair…only to have your hairdresser advise otherwise to avoid frizz and breakage?? Well, when used correctly, a good quality hair brush will massage your scalp and help blood flow to the follicles. So before you wash your hair, take some time to gently brush through your hair, you’re scalp will love you for it.

4. Kevin Murphy Color.Bug Shimmer

What can we say about this fantastic little product…. We LOVE it!! Just wipe it on and in an instant you have stunning gold highlights wherever you want them. They wash out easily and you’ll look like you’ve just had your hair sun kissed from the summer.

They say “your hair is your crowning glory”, so make sure yours looks like something Princess Mary would have, rather than the leftover party hat from a Christmas Cracker, and check out all the awesome hair products from Celcius.

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